12 January, 2011

Project - Seasons/ ...Anotimps

Autumn - Toamna

Winter - Iarna

It will be a different look in March, April, maybe some daffodils and definitely a fresher green. I will try to hit the same spot. For the summer shot the sun angle is going to be higher and the shadows will change. The trees will wear their best coasts of the year. I will keep you posted.

11 January, 2011

No fishing today

This is a timeless location, very picturesque and representative for Ireland. And very accessible. Even for swimmers. There were four adventurers in the frame and I had to wait for them to clear the shot.

10 January, 2011

Proiect - Nostalgia


podul izvor
Podul Izvor

piata senatului
Piata Senatului

piata palatului regal
Piata Palatului Regal

palatul sturdza
Palatul Sturdza

ministerul domeniilor
Ministerul Domeniilor

calea victoriei la palatul telefoanelor
Calea Victoriei la Palatul Telefoanelor

calea victoriei la cercul militar
Calea Victoriei la Cercul Militar

calea grivitei
Calea Grivitei

ion bratianu
Bulevardul Ion Bratianu

ion bratianu
Bulevardul Ion Bratianu

carol - piata rosetti
Bulevardul Carol - Piata Rosetti
Imaginile de mai sus inseamnă ceva doar pentru români. De aceea voi scrie in română. Îmi plac atit de mult încît le voi printa şi înrăma. Am să le pun in perete. De fiecare dată cînd mă voi uita la ele am să mă gîndesc că am avut o istorie frumoasă. Am avut şi noi echivalentul unui "american dream". Eram pe un drum bun, viitorul părea luminos. Dar singura lumină de care ne-am bucurat în acel viitor a fost dată de nenumaratele panouri publicitare care veghează neclintite pe faţadele clădirilor de mai sus. Oricît de disperată este situaţia, mă gîndesc la posibilitatea unei întoarceri 'în timp', alături de aparatul de fotografiat, pentru a reproduce aceste instantanee, care nu-mi aparţin. Numai cind mă gîndesc ce răspunsuri poţi primi dacă vrei să ai acces intr-un balcon pe Magheru, fostul Brătianu! E bine să ne aducem aminte ce am fost, chiar şi cu nostalgie. E un demers idealist, de iarnă mohorîtă, stropită de zăpadă topită şi amestecată cu praful străzii, demers sortit in totalitaritate eşecului. Cu cît ne indepărtăm de aceste imagini, cu atît vom regreta mai mult prezentul.

For the viewers who don't really understand Romanians, these images are from a Bucharest of a distant past, the '30s. We didn't had Depression, but we had soviet tanks and good faith cleansing, we were helped to lose our ways and embrace a foreign normality. In time, bad memories dissipate, and you tend to remember only the good ones. I like to remember we had once "Le Petit Paris".

07 January, 2011

mad old tree

It seems I made a fixation with this place - The Powerscourt Demesne and Golfcourse. And still, everytime I discover something new. The recent December snow that crippled Ireland created a special look for everybody. I decide to "alter" the original image with post-processing. It might look heavy for some, just right for others.

06 January, 2011

Photography as a way of...living (and not losing your mind)

Two images taken last year that never got (my) approval to go online. But since the crash (of the hard-drive, not the economy) I reconsidered the amount of what goes up and what not. It's better here than nowhere. I don't care whether they are good artistically or technically, I'm not the belly-button of photography, it's for the peace of mind, mine. It's applicable to others, too. So, take my example. Are you bored? Do you feel there's nothing left to do except complaining, feeling sorry for yourself and wasting your time on social networks? Get out there, breathe as much as possible because you don't know how long it will last. And if you happen' to have a camera, take it with you. Show me what you see. I'll show you mine.