I ticked a thing on my list. A bit of history. Is it? Is it just history, or there is something else in it? People admire these things, some of them are collectors, historians, admirers, club members, and why not politicians, ordinary people denying or approving what was done. I wont deny I enjoyed my visit to Imperial War Museum. You have to see it. Whoever you are, no matter what your thoughts and prejudices are. Be there. If little things like this can change you even for an afternoon, why would someone feel the need to...hate? Why would someone forget those years? Or what led to it. Especially THAT. I tasted first hand what is written in the (western) history books about Romania's part in the two world wars. I wont hide the surprise I had when I read what's the view over the politicians, military and leaders in that era. It is completely opposite to what I learned in schools. We were thought that we were on the winning side. Hey, but history books are written by the winners, right? Who won, who lost. It seems that these issues still matter today. Maybe I should just leave it. And take pictures. They are history too.

The display is impressive. Tanks, artillery pieces, planes, bombers, trucks and jeeps, even buses, first unmanned planes, rockets and the ultimate of them - the A bomb.

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