28 February, 2010

It all started here

My first attempts to shoot panoramic images

I remember when this happened: October 2006, a trip to Paris took me close to some of the most impressive subjects that can be caught on camera. I had a Panasonic FZ30 for about 4 months and I wasn't sure what to do with it. Versailles Palace was in full recovery after refurbishment works. I felt that one image is not enough to see what I see. So I started to pan(fool)-around. I rediscovered these images yesterday and I said I should give them another chance. The original shots weren't great, so I played with them... a bit.

17 February, 2010

Glendalough, Co. Wicklow

Glendalough, The Upper Lake, as I've never seen it. On 31st of December, the most unusual time of year, I happened to be there to witness this magical place covered in snow.

12 February, 2010

Malahide Demesne, Co Fingal

I finally went outside for a photo-shoot. The sunny weather took me all the way to Malahide Castle. I had to take pictures of the mighty trees before spring comes and all turns green again. Having done that, I said I have to have a different approach of the castle demesne. Here it is, infrared and ND 0.8 gradient filters in 12 stitched photographs.

Howth Marina, Howth Peninsula

Howth Marina

Ireland's Eye